Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Event

5:00am: The alarm clock went off. I didn't want to get up but I wanted to see the event.

5:05am: I slowly dragged myself off the bed to the shower room. (I am not going to add timeline for the events inside shower room :p)

5:25am: I dressed up quickly, gulped some milk, tied my shoes and was out of the apartment.

5:33am: As I arrived to the bus stop I noticed the 24 hour food-center. I politely urged the lady to get me some toast and tea for take away because the bus would arrive in another few minutes.

5:36am: Finally I got my toast & tea. As I carried my breakfast, the tea spilled a bit on my hands. I notice the lid wasn't tight enough on the tea cup. I ate the toast so fast like I never had food in years.

5:38am: I left my tea cup in the bus stop, ran to the washroom to wipe my hands and came back in a blitz. I tried drinking as much of the hot tea as I can before the bus arrives.

5:40am: Singapore buses never failed in punctuality. Route #89 arrived. I threw the remainder of the tea and got into the bus, climbed up to the upper deck and found myself a comfy place.

There were quite a few people in the bus. I thought may be they were all going there to watch the event. Earlier yesterday, I found the details of the bus and it's route details on the internet. So I was trying to follow the route with the map from my memory. I don't have an eidetic memory but I can remember stuffs what might appear weird to others (like memorizing the VIN number of my car). Once I recognized the destination road, I got up from my seat and reached to the exit door until I reached my stop.

After a 40 minutes ride, I reached my destination. I got down the bus. It was still dark and no signs of natural light. However the street lights were on. I walked down the street towards the car park. I felt the zephyr through my body as I walked between the trees.  I couldn't find any person and this caused  a little amount of fear that I might end up as a victim of mugging.

I saw someone coming out of their camping tent which poured some assurance that the place is safer. As I walked a further down, I saw some more camping tents. Well, it appeared that all these people were there to see the event. I found a park bench just below a tree. I took off my shoes and sat down with my legs crossed. With my eyes closed, I took a deep breath and inhaled as much pure air of early morning as I could. The pure oxygen was felt passing through every part of my body.

I sat down for a few minutes and enjoyed what the nature had to offer me. The gentle sway of coconut trees to the music of the sweet breeze. The rhythm of bird's chirps sailed through my ears and into the soul. While the bird sang the wake up call for all the campers, I heard the roaring engines of an airplane which flew over my head. It just took off moments ago from the Changi airport nearby.

I walked towards the grilled fence. It was still dark with a lonely star shimmering in south east. Next to the fence is the coastline where the patrol ships were on duty, flying past me on either direction. There were small lights flashing in the buoys at the distance, cargo ships farther away and the waves trying to  splash the water over the barrier.

The clock ticked 6:45am on my iPhone. Small amount of sunlight, but the sun, emerged at a distance. The entire atmosphere looked dim but dark. Slowly the people came out of their tents. Few started to reel in to catch some early morning fishes. Some folks started mounting their high-end cameras on the tripod. As the moments passed I kept looking at the direction of light without flickering my eyes. It was 7:02 am, the predicted time of the event by the national environmental agency.  People were eagerly waiting for the event, as I did so along with them.

And the waiting was over. I started witnessing one of the most magnificent display of nature occurring at the distant. The bright rays illuminated the horizon, as the small ball of fire came out from the ocean just like a baby escaping the mother's womb. It was a perfect orange color and no one could create such a chroma ever but nature.  As this ball came out gradually, it started to grow bigger in size. It was like witnessing the baby becoming a young adult at a fast pace. Adding to the aesthetic factor, the passing clouds cut through the giant ball of fire produced a vivid sight.

I am looking at the giant orange ball in the sky with a striking halo. The SUN.

Witnessing the sunrise for the first time is a great feeling and I feel gifted.

It's The Event.


  1. haa haa gud one :-)thoroughly enjoyed machi!! leep the show running

  2. gud one..never guessed what the event was..well narrated..try writing books :)

  3. Thanks for reading and leaving some comments.
